New Central AC Units for Every Home

by | Apr 22, 2024 | Air Quality, Heating and Cooling

Central air conditioning has become a standard feature in many homes, providing a reliable and efficient way to cool the entire living space. With the advancement in technology and increased focus on energy efficiency, new central AC units are now more affordable and accessible to homeowners.

These units not only provide maximum comfort during hot summer months but also help reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills. In this blog, we will explore the key highlights and benefits of installing a new central AC unit in your home. We will also discuss the factors to consider, the installation process, and how to maximize the unit’s efficiency. 

Whether you are looking to upgrade your current cooling system or install a new one, this blog will provide you with valuable information to make an informed decision and create a comfortable home environment.

Choosing the Right Central AC Unit for Your Home

Choosing the right central AC unit for your home is crucial to ensure optimal cooling and energy efficiency. Central air conditioning works by using a system of ducts to distribute cool air throughout the entire house.

Before making a purchase, consider factors such as the size of your home, the efficiency rating of the unit, and whether you prefer a split system or a packaged unit. Look for units with the Energy Star certification, as they are designed to meet strict energy efficiency standards and can help you save on your energy bills.

Factors to Consider Before Making a Purchase

Before purchasing a new central AC unit, there are several factors to consider to ensure you make the right choice for your home.

  • Energy Efficiency Ratio: The Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) is a measure of the cooling capacity of an AC unit relative to the amount of energy it consumes. Look for units with a higher EER rating, as they will be more energy-efficient and cost-effective in the long run.
  • Department of Energy Guidelines: The Department of Energy provides guidelines on energy efficiency for different regions. Make sure to choose a unit that meets the recommended energy efficiency standards for your area.
  • Cooling System: Consider whether you want a split system or a packaged unit. A split system has separate components for indoor and outdoor installation, while a packaged unit combines all components into one unit that is installed outside the home.
  • Heat Pump: If you live in an area with mild winters, consider a central AC unit with a heat pump. Heat pumps provide both cooling and heating, making them a versatile and energy-efficient option for year-round comfort.

How to Determine the Correct Size for Your Home

Calculating the correct size of a new central AC unit for your home is crucial for optimal performance. To determine the appropriate size, consider factors like the square footage of your living space, the insulation quality of your home, and the climate conditions in your area.

An oversized unit can lead to inefficient operation and increased utility bills, while an undersized unit may struggle to cool your home effectively. Consulting with HVAC professionals who can perform a load calculation based on Manual J guidelines is recommended for accurate sizing.

By selecting the right size system, you can ensure efficient cooling tailored to your home’s specific needs.

The Cost of New Central AC Units

The cost of a new central AC unit can vary depending on various factors, including the size, brand, and energy efficiency. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $3,800 and $7,500 for a new unit.

The total cost may also include additional expenses, such as installation and any necessary modifications to the home’s existing HVAC system. It’s important to consider the long-term energy savings and comfort benefits when evaluating the cost of a new central AC unit.

How Efficiency Ratings Affect Cost

Efficiency ratings play a significant role in determining the cost of an AC unit. The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is the most commonly used rating system for air conditioners. Higher SEER ratings indicate greater energy efficiency, which can result in lower energy costs over time. However, AC units with higher SEER ratings typically have a higher upfront cost.

It’s important to consider the long-term energy savings when evaluating the cost of a new unit. Consulting with a professional HVAC technician can help you determine the best balance between cost and efficiency for your specific needs.

Installation Process for Central AC Units

Installing a central AC unit requires professional expertise and should always be done by a licensed HVAC technician. The installation process typically involves several steps, including:

  • Assessment and Planning: The HVAC technician will assess your home’s cooling needs and determine the appropriate size and type of central AC unit.
  • Ductwork Installation: If your home does not have existing ductwork, the technician may need to install new ducts to distribute the cool air throughout the house.
  • Equipment Installation: The technician will install the central AC unit, including the outdoor condenser unit and the indoor air handler.
  • Electrical and Plumbing Connections: Electrical connections and, if necessary, plumbing connections will be made to ensure the proper functioning of the unit.
  • Testing and Inspection: The technician will test the central AC unit to ensure it is working correctly and inspect it for any potential issues.

Preparing Your Home for Installation

Before the professional installation of your new central AC unit, prepare your home adequately. Clear the area around the HVAC system both indoors and outdoors for easy access. Ensure there are no obstructions hindering the installation process.

Make sure the electrical panel can accommodate the AC’s power requirements, and check if any upgrades are necessary. Clean or replace air filters in your HVAC system to ensure optimal performance. Additionally, inspect the duct system for any issues that may affect airflow.

Lastly, communicate any specific preferences or requirements to the installation team for a smooth and efficient process.

What to Expect on Installation Day

On installation day for your new central AC unit, expect a team of professionals to arrive at your home. They will begin by assessing your property layout and locating the best spots for the outdoor and indoor units. The installation process typically involves connecting refrigerant lines, securing the unit in place, and ensuring proper ventilation. 

Expect some noise and activity during the installation, but rest assured that the team will work efficiently to minimize disruptions. Once the installation is complete, the technicians will test the system to ensure everything is functioning correctly before providing you with instructions on operating your new central AC unit effectively.

Maximizing the Efficiency of Your Central AC Unit

Regular maintenance and investing in a smart thermostat are key ways to maximize the efficiency of your central AC unit. By scheduling professional servicing to clean filters, coils, and ducts, you can ensure optimal performance. Monitoring humidity levels and adjusting settings accordingly contributes to energy savings.

Additionally, upgrading to a high-efficiency model with a good SEER rating endorsed by the Department of Energy can significantly reduce utility bills. Implementing these strategies improves your system’s efficiency and enhances indoor air quality, providing a comfortable and cost-effective cooling solution for your home.

Regular Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance is essential for the efficient and reliable operation of your central AC unit. Here are some maintenance tips to keep in mind:

  • Clean or Replace Air Filters: Regularly clean or replace air filters to ensure proper airflow and maximize energy efficiency.
  • Clean Outdoor Condenser Unit: Keep the outdoor condenser unit clean and free from debris to maintain optimal performance.
  • Schedule Professional Maintenance: Schedule annual professional maintenance to identify and address any potential issues before they become major problems.
  • Upgrade to a New AC Unit: If your current AC unit is old or inefficient, consider upgrading to a new, energy-efficient unit to enjoy greater energy savings and comfort.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure the longevity and efficiency of your central AC unit while reducing your utility bills.

Smart Thermostats and Energy Savings

Smart thermostats offer advanced features that can enhance the energy efficiency of your central AC unit and help you save on your energy bills. These thermostats allow you to remotely control and program your cooling settings, so you can adjust the temperature based on your schedule and preferences. 

Some smart thermostats even have energy-saving modes and can provide energy usage reports, allowing you to monitor and optimize your energy consumption.

When looking for a smart thermostat, it is important to consider choosing one that is Energy Star certified. These models meet strict energy efficiency standards and can provide significant energy savings over time. By investing in a smart thermostat, you can maximize the energy efficiency of your central AC unit and enjoy greater comfort while reducing your energy bills.


Investing in a new central AC unit is a significant decision for your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. By considering key factors like size, efficiency ratings, and installation process, you can make an informed choice.

Remember to prioritize regular maintenance and consider smart thermostats for optimal performance and energy savings. A well-chosen unit not only enhances your living environment but also improves the overall value of your property.

Make a wise investment in your home’s cooling system to enjoy long-term comfort and cost savings.

About the Author:

Tyler Bogan is the President of InMotion Mechanical, Nevada. With deep-rooted expertise tailored to the unique commercial and residential HVAC demands of the Reno-Tahoe region, Tyler's hands-on approach and dedication to enriching the lives of his clients through efficient, reliable HVAC systems reflect his standing as a trusted consultant and expert in his field.